Thanks to our friends at The National Smile Month, we have these great dental facts to share with you. Something to make you smile….
It takes 43 muscles to frown, but only 17 to smile.
Earrings, business cards, matchsticks and screwdrivers – just some of the bizarre objects we admit to using to get food particles out of our teeth.
More than half of us wouldn’t tell a friend of colleague if they had bad breath in fear of risking a friendship.
More than half of us would share our toothbrush with somebody: 24% partner, 18% child, 7% friend and 6% a celebrity!
Almost 60% of use say we floss regularly, however sales figures sales figures indicate it’s more like 5%.
One in five cannot remember when we last changed our toothbrush.
One in four think electric toothbrushes are for lazy people.
A third of people think you don’t have to brush for as long with an electric toothbrush.
One in five says that fluoride is a marketing gimmick.
A toothbrush came top of the list of things we can’t do without on holiday.
If we only had five minutes to get ready in the morning, one in 20 would skip brushing our teeth.